To kick off this series, let’s chat about chasing payments. Time spent chasing payments and collecting payment information is among the leading pain points our brands are facing today. Having to constantly reach out and get permission to run a payment or receive updated payment information when a card declines takes valuable time away from running your wholesale business efficiently.
Welcome to our Monthly Money Tips with Madison series where we share tips, best practices, and all things wholesale payments.
Meet the host of this series, Madison Meares, our Payments Team Lead at JOOR.
Madison is focused on onboarding clients to virtual payment methods and creating lasting relationships with our brands by offering JOOR Pay knowledge and support. Madison enjoys spending time with her family, exploring the Florida state parks, trying new foods, and (usually) never misses an episode of Jeopardy!
To kick off this series, let’s chat about chasing payments. Time spent chasing payments and collecting payment information is among the leading pain points our brands are facing today. Having to constantly reach out and get permission to run a payment or receive updated payment information when a card declines takes valuable time away from running your wholesale business efficiently.
So, what have our brands been asking for to streamline this process?
1. Simple payment notifications and follow ups to eliminate the need to track down buyers by phone
2. Alerts when a buyer has paid and viewing payment status directly on JOOR, so brands can immediately ship out their products
3. More payment options for buyers so they can increase successful transactions and get paid faster
Check out this list for tips and tricks on improving your successful transaction rate with JOOR Pay.
Track all payments through JOOR Pay (both on and off platform). For example, if a buyer pays partially or fully via check, cash, credit card, ERP or wire transfer outside of JOOR, you can still capture and update payment status within JOOR. This helps you streamline and reduce gaps in reporting with all payments consolidated in one place!
JOOR Pay includes all of that, and more. Visit our website today or book a meeting with our Payments Team today to learn how you can reallocate time spent chasing payments to revenue driving activities.
Looking to boost your fashion wholesale sales? What are the key strategies? Learn more in our new guide.